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Candace Cofer
Sep 12, 20233 min read
At The End of My Rope
I carry stress the same way I carry groceries - all in the same load. Thinking I'm a skilled waitress, I'll balance this plate of stress...

Candace Cofer
Nov 8, 20226 min read
The Bible 101 - Part 23
When we feel like we don't have the background, qualifications, or circumstances to do the thing pressed upon on our hearts, we can remember

Candace Cofer
Oct 25, 20227 min read
The Bible 101 - Part 21
It's time to build the church. Again, we see God use an unlikely person, who endures shipwreck and imprisonment to spread the Good News.

Candace Cofer
Oct 18, 20226 min read
The Bible 101 - Part 20
Had Jesus' life ended on a Roman cross, there would be no need to write down what they saw. But it wasn't the end, not even close!

Candace Cofer
Sep 13, 20227 min read
10 Things I Learned in Summer '22
We're talkin' watermelon and grace, sunflowers and prioritizing our cares, emotions and bad haircuts, swoon-worthy sights and courage.

Candace Cofer
Sep 6, 20226 min read
The Good Day Turns TWO!
"What is God's will for my life?" It's a question seemingly swimming with mystery that we're diving into as we celebrate year 2!

Candace Cofer
May 3, 20228 min read
Welcome to the Family - Part 5
The Miller's share their story of how God brought their family together. Though the waiting was hard, it was worth every minute!

Candace Cofer
Apr 5, 20226 min read
The Bible 101 - Part 12
"Give us a king!" is the cry of the people. When the first king disobeys God, God raises up an unlikely shepherd to reign over His people.

Candace Cofer
Mar 29, 20226 min read
The Bible 101 - Part 11
In the time of Judges, we meet a woman named Ruth. Her story may be short but it is paramount. Oh, and Samuel. God uses him in great ways.

Candace Cofer
Nov 16, 20218 min read
The One
From homeless to community, from prisoner to freedom, from addiction to purpose - all because God relentlessly pursues the one He loves.

Jamie Daggett
Oct 19, 20215 min read
Fear Less - Part 3
I was tired and worn out. I couldn’t remember the last time my heart, mind and body had all been at rest. I had fallen into a trap of fear.

Candace Cofer
Sep 28, 20215 min read
"...but at Your word I will."
Standing on one foot for the breaker and throwing nets out again - how do we find the strength to obey when it doesn't make sense?

Candace Cofer
Sep 21, 20215 min read
#1 Surprise of Year 1!
Ever felt in over your head? Me, too. The awe and wonder I experience now is very different from what I felt when starting this adventure...

Candace Cofer
Sep 7, 20215 min read
The Good Day Turns ONE!
1 whole year, y'all! WHOA. Looking back on how it all started - with a quiet heart and a mind aligned to His will.

Candace Cofer
Jul 27, 20216 min read
Turning Thirty
A page turner. That’s how thirty feels. Not just a new page but a new chapter. Sharing a few things I've learned in the last chapter.

Candace Cofer
Apr 13, 20216 min read
Without Borders
Where Are We Going? Today, we're going to talk about trust. Eek. I know. No, like really. I knowwwww. Let's just say, the concept of...

Candace Cofer
Dec 29, 20207 min read
The Unwanted Gift
Rejection or Relentless Pursuit? We all get those gifts we don't want. Maybe you got a few of them this year. If you're like me, they...

Candace Cofer
Oct 27, 20207 min read
Let's Make a Deal
Borrowing a line from Charles Dickens when it comes to expectations - "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times."

Candace Cofer
Oct 20, 20207 min read
Link to Listen - Part 2
Scribbles and Right-ness. Is it possible to be right and win at the same time? Can the two coexist?

Candace Cofer
Sep 22, 20207 min read
Kids Say the Darnedest Things
We mess up. We get scratched. Someone else hurts us, or we do the hurting. How do we allow these things to prepare us rather than define us?
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