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Writer's pictureCandace Cofer


Updated: Jan 11, 2021

Planted for His Glory

Driving down the road in Oklahoma, it's not uncommon to look to your left or right and see sunflowers springing up from an empty field.

Or if you're in the Austin area in the Spring, you may see the friendly bluebonnets popping up to say hello.

And it's hard to resist the memory of Alfalfa's anxious heart for Darla in The Little Rascals with "She loves me, she loves me not" when we come across a simple, yet perfect daisy.

The list goes on and on. Poppies, Marsh Marigolds, Spanish Bluebells, Missouri Evening Primrose, Wild Geraniums, Purple Prairie Clovers. What do all of these have in common?

They're wildflowers. They grow in the wild, meaning they are not intentionally seeded or planted by human hands.

These colorful flowers, as unique as their names suggest, are found all over the world in some of the most unlikely places. Bursting forth from the side of a busy highway, a bed of rocks, an empty field, or even cracks in the sidewalk.

By far my favorite place to see wildflowers in all their glory is in the mountains. My family enjoys skiing together, so we would typically go to the mountains in the winter. However, after spending a week of the summer with my small group in Colorado, I try to make it to the mountains at least twice a year since winter and summer provide such diverse experiences.

Mentors - Handpicked for Me

Over the last few years, I've been given sweet mentors. An unexpected gift, similar to a wildflower in the way they have been placed in my path for God's glory. I'm deeply thankful for the time and love they have poured into me and the women around me.

I waited eight long months to be placed in a women's small group, but I'd wait those eight months all over again because God was handpicking mentors perfect for me. They're strong, beautiful women who are students and servants of the Lord. They've brought so much color and wisdom into my life.

Having experienced many more seasons of life than I, they've taught me a lot about how to draw near to God not only in the valleys but also on the mountaintops.

I've come to realize all of life is ups and downs. We cry out to God in the valleys out of desperation, and we have a tendency to forget about God on the mountaintops. After all, life is good, right?

I've learned the importance of remaining steadfast and seeking God even on the highest peaks - these are the times to be thankful and put scripture to memory, preparing for the next valley ahead.

We've laughed, loved, baked, hiked, shared meals, cried, rejoiced, and grown together. They're so special to me.

If you don't have a mentor in your life - someone older, wiser, honest, and living a life honoring the Lord - I strongly encourage you to begin to think and pray about who this might be for you. Then, ask.

You don't have to say, "Will you mentor me?" Because, let's be real. That sounds like a lot of work and a lot of time.

Simply invite them to grab coffee or lunch. Have a few questions in mind to ask throughout the conversation, then suggest you meet again in a few weeks or whatever timeline works well for both of you.

I promise, it's worth it!


As I was saying, the mountains is one of my favorite getaways. Experiencing Crested Butte is truly a glimpse of heaven on earth.

It's a sensory paradise! Fresh, crisp, mountain air invigorates the heart, soul and mind as you hike through the lush forests and cross paths with some of the most magnificent wildlife, brightly colored birds, handsome aspen trees standing tall with perfect posture, and rushing waterfalls rewarding you after a long, breathless hike.

The food is equally appealing. A visit to CB is incomplete without a Maui pancake and a Hampton pizza, not together of course. Although on second thought, why not?!

After all, hiking all day affords a few extra carbs.

But, the best part of CB - the part that sets it apart from all other mountain towns - is the wildflowers.

And this is not a secret. Crested Butte is known as the wildflower capital of Colorado, and one hike - shoot, just one glance towards the high alpine valleys surrounding the charming town - it's easy to see why.

There's color! Color everywhere!

Pretty periwinkle blues, vibrant oranges, sharp reds, cheerful yellows, soft whites, and the perfectly pure Columbine with its white and lavender petals adorned with a touch of yellow in the center.

It begs you to stop and stare, maybe even swoon, as you take in the beauty of flowers that are as beautiful and full as these yet not planted by human hands.

It's incredible!


Waking up each morning - with a calm meadow of lush wildflowers, basking in the soft yet radiant light of the sunrise with the majestic mountains as the most perfect backdrop - was both a surprise and a gift.

My heart needed this.

You see, Matthew 6 has been my daily bread through this last season. The Lord has been continually leading my heart to trust Him.

Jesus says,

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these…will He not much more care for you, O you of little faith…do not be anxious…but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. - Matthew 6:28-34

Waking up surrounded - truly surrounded with windows before and beside me filled with stunning wildflowers bursting towards me and greeting me with beauty and promise - it was moments of tender intimacy with my Creator.

I could hear my heavenly Father welcome me with His creation into His incredible adventure for the day, and in doing so, invite my heart to trust.

Wildflowers. They're not planted. They're fleeting, here today and gone tomorrow. But, we, my friend, we've been planted by the supreme Gardener.

He has planted me and He has planted you in a particular place in this particular time in history for His purpose. And although our time on earth is fleeting and very temporary, His purpose is for us to live with Him forever - beyond our days on earth.

It took this experience of waking up with wildflowers for me to fully grasp this truth.

He is a good, good Father. He cares for the flowers that have no one else to care for them. He makes sure they get the sunlight and water they need. Why? To bring glory to His name. He is so creative and so generous with His care.

How much MORE He cares for you; how much MORE He cares for me.

The lyrics in Needtobreathe's song, Who Am I, bring this verse home to me. They sing,

You grow your roses on my barren soul Who am I, who am I, who am I To be loved by you - Needtobreathe, Who Am I

In the same way the wildflowers do nothing to deserve the love and care of the Creator, we have done nothing to deserve His immense and unconditional love for us.

Who am I to be loved so greatly by You? You grow beauty and wonder within me, all for Your glory.

It's far too much for me to comprehend.

Allow this truth that you are planted and cared for to strengthen you today. Find joy and peace - from all anxiety - in the promise that He is on His throne. He is not shaken by the events of this world. He will care for you. We step out in faith and say, "Okay, I trust You today."

And, find rest in His unconditional love for you.

With God on our side, who has already claimed the victory of life over death - of what do we have to be afraid or anxious?

Nothing! Nada! Let's live in this freedom today.

The good life, well it starts with a good day. Then another. Then another. Let's choose to live #TheGoodDay one day at a time.

I love hearing from you, so go ahead. Leave a comment. Be brave. Maybe your comment will speak life into someone else!


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