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Oh hey, short on time? No worries! I'd love to join you on your commute or daily walk/run, or shoot, even while you take care of that to-do list. We can't let these things get in the way of this friendship. It's just starting to get good! Click below to listen to the blogcast.
It's been a Summer of creating our own summer camp - sharing adventures at home and abroad, and what made it so special is who I spent it with. There's nothing like sharing an adventure with your best friend.
And, to think this is what God invites us into every single day. Hmm, something cool to think about.
Without further ado, here are ten things (not all the things but ten things) I've learned this last season.
10. Adult Summer Camp, anyone?
Wanting to go to summer camp but your age says those days have passed? Well, we'd recommend Europe! That's what it turned out to be for us anyway - the most epic adult summer camp. Maybe it was jumping on a trampoline in the middle of a lake in the middle of the Alps... Indeed, we had a blast touring a handful of places, taking in the scenery, experiencing the food, and attempting the local language to the best of our ability. Mostly, we cherish the memories we made together. Again, there's nothing like sharing an adventure with your best friend.
But we're getting a little ahead of ourselves, first...
9. Kicking off with Love, Love and More Love!
What's summer camp without love or at least a fun crush, right? We kicked the summer off with a weekend full of weddings as we celebrated the first year of our marriage. Dancing, celebrating with friends and reminiscing on the growth, love and friendship this year has held for us - made for a sweet start to summer.
8. Cheers to Cheerwine!
At one of the weddings, Will perked up when he saw "Cheerwine" on the menu. Seeing the confusion on my face, he explained the beloved soda which hails from North Carolina. Given the groom was from NC, this was a nod to his favorites ...and it quickly became one we now share (we may or may not have this now stocked in the fridge).
If you like Dr. Pepper, try some Cheerwine! Don't be fooled by the name, it's non-alcoholic. I'm not even a soda drinker and loved it.
It was pretty special to celebrate another wedding for our ladies' small group and look over at the dance floor and see the godly men (and complete goofballs) God has brought into our lives. I'd like to say we could blame those dance moves on the Cheerwine, but they show up at every small group wedding regardless of the beverages served! And we wouldn't change it for the world!
7. Testimonies are powerful.
Summer camp campfires - it's not the campfire as much as the conversation which makes this time so rich. We may not have been sitting around a campfire, but we experienced strangers becoming brothers and sisters in Christ this summer through a year of honest and vulnerable conversation.
Will and I wrapped up a year with our Celebrate Recovery groups. The month of June was a time of hearing testimony after testimony (and sharing our own) of the Holy Spirit breaking strongholds and tearing down walls and breaking chains of addiction and healing wounds and setting people free from the hurts, habits and hang-ups which had entangled us all - truly one miracle after another. CR has been an immense blessing to both of us this year. God provided so richly through CR, and we recommend it for anyone who feels stuck or hurt or ready to kick a habit. As we'd say every week, "It works if you work it, and you're worth it because God says so."
Check out a CR group near you!
6. Corn Trials
While athletes were gearing up for their time trials and such to compete on the world stage, Will and I had our own "trials" at the farm - corn trials. Planting was more of a test run than anything this year, and though Johnson grass is the great nemesis, we ended up with a whole wheelbarrow full of corn ...and probably 10 wheelbarrows full of laughs! Let's just say, thanks to this summer, we'll always be able to say we started planting corn by hand on the farm. (But hopefully not that way forever.)
Sweeter than the corn was the enthusiasm in 'Dubs each evening, "Should we go check on the corn, maybeee?!"
5. If you're going to go to Paris, go the week before the Olympics.
If Summer camp takes you abroad, timing is everything!
Paris was so clean and quiet! Will and I were shocked. And, it made watching the Olympics even more fun. We were like "Oh, we've been there! We've seen that!" Of course what we didn't say was, "Oh, I bet I could do that." Nah, not a chance. Those athletes are fierce!
...which brings me to my next point...
4. The Olympics should start with a "normal" run-through.
Just so we get the full scope of the high level at which these athletes compete, I think every Olympics event should start with a normal person completing the task. Our top gymnasts getting 8's - it's like, time-out, what is a 10 if that's an 8?!
Anyone with me?
3. Wanna play croquet?
My sister gifted us with a croquet set, and on a whim, we invited some friends over for dinner and a couple rounds of croquet in the backyard and realized summer camp is just as fun at home! Croquet is kind of like putt-putt, but easier. But of course, the best part of the evening was the company we spent it with. 10 outta 10, would do (and will do) again!
2. Living the with-God life.
I've been thinking about this a lot. Why Jesus had to come and what it really means and if I live my life worthy of this gift, shoot even in a way that says I acknowledge or accept this gift. And here's where I'm at:
Jesus means Immanuel, God with us.
So when Jesus said He was the way, the truth and the life, it's more than a scripture about those to believe going to heaven and those who don't going to hell. I believe He's saying, "Come, follow me. I'll show you the way to live in the truth so you can live the with-God life here and now."
That's what eternal life is all about. As Dallas Willard taught, it's the "with-God life."
What a gift we've been given! Now, it's up to us to rearrange our days so we can live this with-God life throughout our days.
1. Rearranging to do.
The worst thing that can happen at the end of the Summer is experiencing the "summer camp high" but returning to normal life and jumping into Fall as if nothing new has stirred within our hearts.
So, building on the last, I believe how I cultivate the with-God life is first thinking about the rearranging I might need to do. What rearranging do you need to do? This with-God life will not come by mere intention alone, we have to structure our days in a way that allows us to experience the peace and joy and confidence of Christ throughout our fluctuating circumstances.
Guardrails around phones and tv, creating moments of solitude, space and margin, resting when my body needs rest, saying no more than yes - this brought so much fruit to the with-God life this Summer and I don't think it has to end with the temperatures changing or the leaves starting to fall. It's up to us to push back from busyness and choose the eternal over the temporary each moment of the day.
Looking Ahead
Looking back helps us gain perspective as we look forward. Now, shifting our gaze forward...
We're going to continue talking about peace this Fall and how do we experience God's peace when life is not always peaceful, specifically when curveballs come? The stories coming this Fall are sooo good and I cannot wait to share these with you all!
Now, it's your turn. What have you learned through this last season?
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Let's find strength knowing we do not endure these seasons alone. Let's find joy knowing there is purpose for each season we walk. Let's find peace in reflecting on the lessons learned and accepting these circumstances, much like seasons, as temporary. Let's find rest as we cling to the eternal.
The good life, well it starts with a good day. Then another. Then another. Let's choose to live #TheGoodDay one day at a time.
I love hearing from you, so go ahead. Leave a comment. Be brave. Maybe your comment will speak life into someone else!
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